Why do men do the things we do?
The best answer is a question – why not? Men tend to be more daring and adventurous; some even call it stupid. But it’s the challenge to do something that we cannot or have not done before. So, if we succeed, we are the champs, but most of the time we fail and are looked at as idiots. So, the website is to explain the mentality of MEN.
I don’t think I have any racist bones in my body, but I do hate stupid people, Black / White / Spanish it doesn’t make a difference to me. If you’re a tard… you’re a tard. Sometimes I fit right in though and that is scary.
Most of the time at SignalForty we simply make fun of ourselves… easiest targets! ~ all for fun. Ask us we respond quickly!
Join my Podcast or watch the Videos! Nobody actually knows where they are going, even myself sometimes. Join in, add your comments, and tell me (Email Me) what I’m wrong or right about.

SignalForty ALARM! it’s all about the fun and laughs. If I cross the line I apologize in advance.

SignalForty means Alarm, Alert, Intrusion, basically, it means Respond Quickly!
SignalForty & Dick does:
Videos 2x per week (Mon. and Thurs)