How to Report a UFO Sighting

Depending on your beliefs, Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) might be Aliens touring Earth, secret government airplanes, or, something that is unidentified. Regardless of your beliefs, here is a summary on how to document and report a UFO sighting of a craft that you cannot identify.

  1. Remain calm. The second you begin to realize that you might be witnessing a UFO, your heart might start racing. Take a deep breath and keep your eyes on the mysterious object.
  2. Look at your watch. It’s important that you make note of the exact time that you’ve witnessed this event so that it can be checked to see if anyone viewed a similar phenomenon at the same time.
  3. Observe as many details as you can. Of value to the agencies involved are these observations:
    • what the object did that you could see
    • how many of them were there
    • what shape and color they were
    • if there were lights on the object and what color
    • if the object left a trail
    • if there was an aura or haze around the object
    • if the object emitted other objects
    • if the object emitted beams
    • if the object changed color
    • if the object landed
    • if the object made a sound
    • if there were aircraft in the vicinity, or aircraft chasing the object
    • if there were electrical or magnetic effects, such as a car engine stopping
  4. Note the time when the sighting concluded (i.e. you stopped seeing any unusual, inexplicable phenomena). It’s very easy to lose track of time when you are confronted with an unfamiliar situation, so be sure to check a watch or clock as soon as you can after the incident and estimate how long the sighting lasted.
  5. Immediately write down what you witnessed, including the details noted above. Be sure to include the time, location, weather information, approximate size, and information about other witnesses if appropriate. Try to draw a rough visual representation of what you saw while it is fresh in your mind.
  6. Report the sighting to the appropriate agencies. A UFO witness can report a sighting to the following organizations:
    • Local law enforcement agencies.
    • National UFO Reporting Center
    • Mutual UFO Network
    • Center for UFO Studies 

Freedom of Speech


First Amendment of The U.S. Constitution states; Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

There has never been such a thing as freedom of speech in America. In order to speak freely, you first had to have access to a printing press, a newspaper, a radio or a TV station. And if you could gain access you then you had to get past the editors of the media. Only an elite group of people ever did? You had the articulate and well-behaved representatives of ordinary people. But ordinary people themselves never had a chance to speak publicly and openly.

Not until now that is. Today we have the internet revolution, that is led by a ragtag army of bloggers? It has given us all a chance to be irreverent, blasphemous, and ungrammatical in public. We can reveal secrets, blow whistles, spill beans, speak our minds, or just make stuff up. (hopefully NOT)

Of course, the old elites donít like it, actually they really, really hate it. Blogs are shut down left and right, and bloggers are silenced, reprimanded and fired from their jobs. Suddenly modern liberal society reveals a repressive face few of us knew existed.

Are we still FREE

Should we behave ourselves? Should we fall silent? HELL NO! Letís call them on their hypocrisy and stupidity. Letís demand that modern liberal society lives by the principles it claims to embrace. Bloggers of the world, unite! Fire up your keyboard and blogs! You have nothing to lose but your gags! …retake our Freedom of Speech! 

Here are a few things that I try to live by every day!

  1. Pick up all the trash in an area in your hometown; be its guardian. Tell others about it.
  2. Be friendly to everyone at all times; experiment outrageously.
  3. Buy local when possible, if not by “Made in USA”.
  4. Always speak up for justice, no matter how much it costs.
  5. Go once a week on a “house call” to a nursing home to cheer people up as a friend.
  6. Go for a walk, angels speak to you when you walk.
  7. Consider being silly in public. Sing out loud. Wear funny stuff.
  8. Find ways to need a whole lot less money; share beyond belief.
  9. Have potlucks frequently, with neighbors, co-workers, and strangers. Work toward living in extended families.
  10. Take your vacations in your own hometown and spend the money working on projects there that help build community.
  11. Protect those smaller and weaker than yourself
  12. When you see someone who needs help…HELP
  13. Stop caring about what others think of you
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