Here are a few things that I try to live by every day!

  1. Pick up all the trash in an area in your hometown; be its guardian. Tell others about it.
  2. Be friendly to everyone at all times; experiment outrageously.
  3. Buy local when possible, if not by “Made in USA”.
  4. Always speak up for justice, no matter how much it costs.
  5. Go once a week on a “house call” to a nursing home to cheer people up as a friend.
  6. Go for a walk, angels speak to you when you walk.
  7. Consider being silly in public. Sing out loud. Wear funny stuff.
  8. Find ways to need a whole lot less money; share beyond belief.
  9. Have potlucks frequently, with neighbors, co-workers, and strangers. Work toward living in extended families.
  10. Take your vacations in your own hometown and spend the money working on projects there that help build community.
  11. Protect those smaller and weaker than yourself
  12. When you see someone who needs help…HELP
  13. Stop caring about what others think of you